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S'han trobat 428 Ãtems
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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
1 setembre 2004 |
In vitro culture of epithelial cells from the caput, corpus, and cauda epididymis of Sus domesticus |
Bassols Casadevall, Judit
; Kádár GarcÃa, Elisabeth
; Briz González, Maria Dolors
; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth
; Sancho Badell, SÃlvia
; Garcia Gil, Núria
; Badia Brea, Maria Elena
; Pruneda Sais, Anna
; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva
; Yeste Oliveras, Marc
; Bonet, Sergi
novembre 2016 |
Voices arguing and voices commenting one’s action hallucinations: neuropsychological characteristics and evolution: a longitudinal 12 months follow-up study |
Marsal Navarro, Irene
Voices arguing and voices commenting one’s action hallucinations: neuropsychological characteristics and evolution: a longitudinal 12 months follow-up study |
Marsal Navarro, Irene